Entering Details of a Case

The Case Master File records all pertinent information for a managed case. Any active or inactive case for an employee can be opened.

  1. In the Occupational Health menu, click Case and use the provided fields to generate a list of employee names and cases.

  2. Click a link to edit, or click New. A case number is automatically assigned to the new case when it is saved.


Information about each case is entered on the Case Master form in the following tabs:

Case tab

  1. In the Details section, enter or modify the following information. Most fields are self-explanatory, but you should know:

  2. Some of these fields may have been transferred from the Case/Incident tab in the Body Fluid Exposure or Clinic Visits modules.

    If a business rule method is enabled, if a case already exists for the same employee and date of injury, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to create a duplicate record.

    If you answer “No” to any of the above prompts, the case will be closed but those records will remain unchanged.

  3. In the Absences Summary section, enter or modify the following information:

  4. In the Claim Information section, record insurance claim details. These fields are transferred to the Incident module.

  5. In the OSHA section:

  6. In the Short Term Disability section, if you select the Short Term Disability checkbox, then any absence that you create in the Absences tab will also be flagged as STD and the Days Taken and Days Remaining will be calculated. Note that the STD period may be defined (in the system setting) as longer than one year.

  7. If you added the Short Term Disability by Case section to a custom layout and the employee’s Country and GDDLOFB matches the selected STDBenefitsPackage, the STD Max Days Allowed is displayed and the Case STD Days Taken and Case STD Days Remaining are calculated based on the absence records flagged as STD. If this section is not enabled, or if the employee’s Country does not match the selected STD Benefit Package, the maximum days allowed defaults to the maximum set in the system setting.

  8. In the FMLA section, indicate if absences should be counted against FMLA absences (Family Medical Leave Act; US only) and select the FMLA Reason. If you select the FMLA checkbox, then any absence that you create in the Absences tab will also be flagged as FMLA and the Days Taken and Days Remaining will be calculated. The default number of Days Allowed for the reason selected is shown, but you can change it. For more information, see Viewing All Absences and Restrictions for an Employee.

  9. The State FMLA section displays the number of State FMLA Days Taken and Remaining, calculated based on employee absences to date (the absence must be must manually identified as State FMLA for the Days Taken and Days Remaining to be calculated).

  10. Click Save. You are prompted to send an email to Health Services.

  11. If default activities are defined for the selected case type (in the CaseType look-up table), a To Do record is created for each activity. Review and edit these activities as required on the To Do List tab.


You can now do any of the following:

Witnesses and Contacts Tab

Use this tab to link any witnesses or contacts to this case. Contacts can be selected from the Contact look-up table or entered manually (contacts entered manually are not added to the table).

This list also displays any witnesses or contacts entered in the related incident report, but witnesses or contacts entered in the Case record are only visible in the case record (they are not visible in the incident report).

Restrictions Tab

The Restrictions tab displays all work restrictions recorded for this employee in the Demographic, Medical Chart, Clinic Visits, Case Management, Pulmonary, and Respirator Fit modules. For information about entering a work restriction, see Recording Work Restrictions.

To quickly end all active restrictions, choose Actions»End All Active Restrictions.

Dx Tab

The Dx tab displays all medical diagnoses recorded for this employee in the Demographics, Medical Chart, Clinic Visits, Case Management, or Immunization modules. For information about entering a diagnosis, see Recording Medical Conditions.

To Do List Tab

The To-Do List tab provides a list of the outstanding to-do activities related to this case and allows you to enter new to-do activities that are scheduled to take place in the future.

If default activities are defined for the selected case type (in the CaseType look-up table), a To Do record is created for each activity when the case record is saved. The Date Scheduled is calculated based on the Enrollment Date on the case record and the Gap and Period defined in the look-up table. Review and edit these activities as required.

To Do records may be created automatically if the outcome of a previous To Do is defined (in the CaseActivityOutcome look-up table) to automatically create further activities.

To quickly reassign activities to another practitioner, select the activites and then choose Actions»Reassign Practitioner.


All To-Do activities for all cases can be viewed in one form; for more information, see Viewing Outstanding Activity Notes.

For more information, see Viewing and Recording Case Activity Notes.

Case Notes (including Clinic Visit Notes) Tab

This tab displays a list of completed activities related to this case, including Clinic Visit Notes for occupational cases depending on your system settings. It also allows you to enter new completed activities. To enter activities that are scheduled to take place in the future, use the To-Do List tab instead.


You can quickly create case notes for multiple completed To-Do records: on the To-Do tab, select one or more completed To-Do records and then choose Actions»Create Case Notes.

Procedures Tab

This tab lists procedures recorded for the case. Click a link to modify an existing procedure, or click New. For more information, see Recording Procedures.

Procedures (Case and Clinic Visits) Tab

This tab displays the same procedures as on the Procedures tab, but also includes procedures recorded in Clinic Visit records if this sharing has been allowed in the system settings.

Absences Tab

The Absences tab displays all absences recorded for this employee in the Clinic Visits, Incident, or Case Management modules. For information about entering an absence, see Recording an Absence.

Questionnaires Tab

The Questionnaires tab allows you to associate questionnaires with a case. For information about creating and administering questionnaires, see Questionnaires. Any documents attached to the questionnaire will be listed on the Documents tab and be available from the Case Documents module.

Findings and Actions Tab

The Findings and Actions tab displays all findings and actions recommended (or required) for this case.

Letters Tab

The Letters tab allows you to view past letters (for this case and for any related clinic visits, depending on the view selected) or generate new letters to employees. Form letters are stored in the LettersTemplate look-up table. For information about creating letters, see Generating a Letter.

Documents Tab

The Documents tab allows you to link external files to a case. Linking a file to a case offers medical professionals working with the employee easy access to the file. For more information, see Linking or Importing a Document. This tab will also display any documents attached to questionnaires posted to the case.

Documents (Case and Clinic Visits) Tab

This tab displays the same documents as on the Documents tab, but also includes documents linked or attached to Clinic Visit records if this sharing has been allowed in the system settings.