Entering an Immunization Record

Prior to administering an immunization, you should verify if there is an allergy or contraindication; if the Allergies or Rx tab is highlighted, it contains records that might be relevant to this immunization.

To create or edit an immunization record, you enter relevant personal information about an employee, the employee’s immune status, information about the vaccine used to immunize the employee, recalls, referrals, and notes. You can also print a recall letter addressed to the employee.

  1. In the Occupational Health menu, click Immunization and use the provided fields to generate a list of employees who have immunization records.

  2. Click a link to edit an existing immunization record, or click New.

  3. If there are any allergies, medications, or conditions for the employee, the related tabs are highlighted once the record is saved. You should create and save the immunization record before administering the immunization, so that you can check if there is a contraindication to the immunization you are about to give the employee.

  4. On the Immunization tab, enter the following information:

  5. If this is the employee’s most recent tetanus immunization (i.e., the immunization code is defined as including tetanus, the date transfers to the Date of last tetanus shot field on the Clinic Visit record, and the Last Tetanus Date field on the Body Fluid Exposure record.

    If you clear the Health Center in the search list and choose a vaccine for a different health center than what is entered on the immunization form, you are prompted to change the health center on the form to match the one assigned to the vaccine.
    Conversely, if you save a record and later change the health center, you are prompted to either save with the health center (and delete the vaccine name), or save with the vaccine name and revert to the original health center.

    If the immunization you want to enter does not appear in the search list, add it to the ImmunizationCode look-up table.

    If you are administering the same vaccine to multiple employees, choose Actions»Copy to copy the immunization record. The Vaccine Details and Recall information is duplicated. Select the new employee, enter the time of the immunization, and change any other information as required.

  6. The Allergies tab displays all allergies recorded for this employee in the Demographics, Body Fluid Exposure, Medical Chart, Clinic Visits, Clinical Testing, or Immunization modules. For information about entering an allergy, see Recording Allergies.

  7. The Rx tab displays all medications and contraindications recorded for this employee in the Demographics, Body Fluid Exposure, Medical Chart, Clinic Visits, Clinical Testing, or Immunization modules. For information about entering a medication or contraindication, see Recording Medications (non-eRx).

  8. The Dx tab displays all medical diagnoses recorded for this employee in the Demographics, Medical Chart, Clinic Visits, Case Management, or Immunization modules. For information about entering a diagnosis, see Recording Medical Conditions.

  9. The Questionnaires tab allows you to associate questionnaires with a record. If a questionnaire does not map to the Employee field on the Immunization record, the field will display the employee who submitted the questionnaire. Otherwise, it will display the employee specified on the question response. For information about creating and administering questionnaires, see Questionnaires.

  10. On the Notes tab, enter any notes about the immunization; see Adding Notes to a Form.

  11. Use the Documents tab to link an external file to the record to provide easy access to the file (for more information, see Linking or Importing a Document).

  12. The Letters tab allows you to view past letters or generate new letters to employees. Form letters are stored in the LettersTemplate look-up table. For information about creating letters, see Generating a Letter.
    For information about recall letters, see Working with Recall Letters.