Track your container inventory in an aggregate list view: in the Environmental menu, click Waste Container Management. The list displays all containers that were recorded in waste records. You can perform the following functions here:
Record a new container and link it to a waste record.
Clone a container. On the cloned record:
The Container Barcode will display a new auto-generated barcode.
The Waste Container ID will display a new waste container ID in the form 'Original Waste ID-C#', where # is a sequential number.
The Accumulation Start Date will display today's date, and the Accumulation End Date will be blank.
The Date of Disposal will be blank.
Add multiple containers to inventory for the same waste stream at the same time:
Choose Actions»Inventory Waste Containers in Bulk. Complete the fields, including the Number of Containers and Amount Per Container. When you click Update, a waste container record will be created for each container, and if you selected a barcode type, a PDF that contains a barcode for each new container will be added to the Environmental “Documents” module, and the PDF will also in a new browser tab.
Dispose of one or more containers:
Select the containers in the list view (Choose the Not Disposed view to filter the list), then choose Actions»Dispose. For any containers that are not already associated with a waste record, a new waste record will be created for each waste stream associated with the selected container(s). Containers with the same waste stream and unit of measure values will be grouped in the same waste record. The location details (GDDLOFB) of the container(s) will be copied to the linked waste record.
Consolidate containers (must have a Disposed Amount >0 and the same unit of measure):
Select the containers and choose Actions»Consolidate Containers. Complete the fields.
If you select the Copy matching field values to new waste container record check box, any fields with the same value on the selected records will populate on the new consolidated waste container record.
If the selected containers have the same waste profile the fields will be populated automatically: the Net Weight will display the summed total of net weight values from the selected containers, and the Container Type will reflect that of the first selected record.
When you click Consolidate the Disposed Amount in the records that were consolidated will become zero, and a new waste container management record will be created in which:
Disposed Amount will be the sum of the Disposed Amounts on the consolidated records
Parent Container will list the containers you consolidated
Accumulation Start Date will display the earliest date from the consolidated records
Previous Waste Container field will display the IDs of the consolidated containers.
The Waste Container ID text on the confirmation message is a link to the consolidated waste container record.
The Consolidated Container Records tab, if added to a custom layout, will list all waste containers that have been consolidated into the record.