In the Business Intelligence menu, click Old Dashboard.
Select a view then click Edit View, or click Create View.
A list of indicators opens. Enter a name for this view.
If you have administrator access, you can save the view as a Standard View, so it will be available for all users to choose.
For each indicator you want to include, select the number of instances of each. Remember, the total of all instances must not exceed nine.
Click Save.
The indicators appear on the Dashboard. Some indicators include an Edit function so you can further define filtering criteria for this indicator (e.g. the period to monitor). If you make any such changes, click Save again.
If you have defined multiple views, select the view to monitor.
As required, drag indicators to a different location in the grid, or resize the columns. These changes are not saved.
An indicator may include further information when you hover over it. For example, when you hover over a pie chart, you will see a legend that includes the description for each color as well as the actual count and percentage each represents. When you hover over a bar in a bar chart, you will see the actual number. These numbers use the format specified in the Number Style system setting.
Depending on your system settings (see Changing Your System Settings), bar graph values may display over their designated columns.
Where applicable, an indicator will link to the relevant module. For example, in My Items to Sign, you can click a link to open the relevant record to review and sign it.
If the indicator is represented by a table (defined in the Query Builder; see Editing or Creating an Ad Hoc Report in Query Builder), you can click a row to open and edit the corresponding record in a separate window. To close the record, click the X at the top right of the window; the Dashboard is refreshed.
Right-click on any chart or table to save it as a PNG image for external use.
If you want the Dashboard to always open when you login to Cority, select it in the Menu Configuration. For more information, see Customizing Your Menu.